Privacy Policy

In this privacy statement, we tell you how we handle your personal data, why we need them and what your rights are in this respect. In doing so, we are fulfilling one of the requirements imposed on us by the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

Who we are
As a data controller RebelsAI is responsible for processing your data in a compliant manner. We take it upon us to be transparent about the personal data we collect from you, the way we handle and protect your personal data and how you can exercise your rights. You can ask us at any time to stop processing or delete the data we have processed from you. For more information, please find your right below.

Processing of personal data
Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable living person. In this specific case, we process the following (categories of) personal data from you:

  • Contact details (such as name and email address). We only process these data when you choose to send us an e-mail, give us a call or become a client. We process your contact details to stay in touch and for our internal client administration.Because processing these (personal) data has no or minimal impact on your privacy, we process this data based on the legal basis of the legitimate interest of responding to a request you have submitted to us or for our internal client administration in order for us to stay connected to you.
  • Data that provides information about the usage of our website. We utilize WordPress functional and analytical cookies to analyze the usage of our website, such as which pages are being visited. These are configured in a privacy-friendly manner to ensure that we and WordPress do not process the complete IP address and that no further data is shared with WordPress. Because processing these (personal) data has no or minimal impact on your privacy, we process this data based on the legal basis of the legitimate interest of improving the user experience of our website.mPlease read our cookie statement for more information about cookies. You can always manage your cookie settings through your browser settings. Your personal data will only be processed for this purpose if you agree to the processing of cookies on our website.


Sharing of personal data
The personal data we process based on a legitimate interest are not shared with third parties inside or outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

Organizational and technical measures
We have taken appropriate measures to protect the processing of your personal data based on the available technology and processing purposes. RebelsAI is ISO 27001 certified. We establish access to personal data in accordance with these standards, and every RebelsAI employee signs a confidentiality agreement.

Your rights regarding personal data processing. Following the GDPR, you have the following rights regarding your personal data:

  • right to access
  • right to correction
  • right to be forgotten
  • right to restrict the processing
  • right to object to the processing
  • right to data portability

We take every request concerning your rights seriously. However, your rights are not absolute. This means that we will not satisfy a request to exercise the rights in all cases. We will inform you within one month after we have received a request. We will indicate whether and how we will comply with your request and if not, the reason for that. If necessary, RebelsAI can extend the reaction time, but in this case, we will let you know within one month, within which period you can expect a reaction.

Right to lodge a complaint
It may be that, despite RebelsAI’s careful approach, you have complained about how we handle your personal data and/or rights. You can submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority via the website We appreciate it when you first notify us of your complaint, but you are not obliged to do so.

No processing of children’s data
Children deserve special protection when it concerns the processing of their personal data in a digital environment. The RebelsAI website is specifically not designed or aimed at children of 16 years of age and younger. It is not within our policy to intentionally process their personal data. If a child submits their personal data to us by, for example, sending us an e-mail, we will delete the personal data immediately upon notice.

About this privacy statement
The privacy statement as expressed in this document was last reviewed on April 12 2024 and may be subject to change. Substantive changes will be announced in a timely manner through our website Textual changes will not be announced actively, but you can always find this statement on